
To sell any token, simply tap β€œπŸŸ₯ SELL” in the Main Menu and follow the easy steps.

You’ll see a list of your tokens along with their P&L and other details. Simply tap the token ticker button to proceed with the sale.

You also have the option to hide any token from this list if needed.

To switch to sell mode, just tap the "BUY ⇄ SELL" button.

As you can see, I'm not the best trader. Let's give it a shot and try to sell the MAGA token.

Carefully review the details about the selected token. If you need more information, you can verify them on third-party services like Solscan, RugCheck, and RickBurp. These default links can be updated in the "Sell settings" section in "Settings."

Next, choose one of the default SOL amounts to sell or tap "Sell X SOL" to set your own amount. You can also change the default sell amounts on the buttons in the "Sell settings" section in "Settings."

Finally, review the trade details, paying special attention to the price impact. Tap "CONFIRM" to proceed with the trade. You can enable auto-confirm in "Settings" to skip this step for future trades.

You'll see a message indicating that confirmation is waiting.

If everything's good, you'll get a confirmation message first. It means the trade went through, but we're waiting for the blockchain to dish out all the trade details.

Once we receive all the details about the trade from the blockchain, you'll get the green light with a message confirming the success of the trade.

If the transaction wasn't confirmed or the trade failed, you'll receive an error message indicating the issue. You can find details about different types of errors here.

Great job! Trade successful. Now, you can buy or sell this token instantly, or type /start to return to the Main menu.

Have any feature requests or improvement ideas for selling? We’d love to hear them! Feel free to drop us a message in the chat or send a DM. We’re listening!

Last updated