
Sniping mode is a killer feature of Tirador bot. With this option, you can snag tokens the moment a liquidity pool goes live. In simple terms, you can buy tokens at launch for the lowest price, locking in massive profit potential.

Here’s how it works: First, find an upcoming pool that’s about to drop. You can spot these in channels that share blockchain intel on upcoming pools. Check out the Tirador Upcoming Pools channel, for example. Or, as always, just drop the token address for the upcoming pool.

To make things easy, we display info about upcoming pools right in the bot’s interface. Let’s break down how to make a snipe. Open Tirador bot and head to the Main menu. In the main menu, tap the “🎯 SNIPE” button and follow the steps.

Ready to snipe like a pro? Dive in and get those gains!

Here, you can pick any upcoming pool and set up a snipe. To choose a token for sniping, tap the button with its ticker below. Or, as always, just drop the token address for sniping. Let's take the "hyped" token $HACHI, which is about to get listed.

If you get an error saying the token address is invalid, double-check the address and resend it.

Always verify the details of your chosen token. For extra info, use third-party services like Solscan, RugCheck, and RickBurp. You can update these default links in the “Buy settings” section under “Settings.”

Then, choose one of the default SOL amounts to snipe. You can also change the default snipe amounts on the buttons in the "Snipe settings" section in "Settings."

Or, you can set your own amount to snipe by tapping "Snipe X SOL" and then replying with your custom amount.

In the next step, set your preferred slippage. Slippage is the max difference between the expected and actual trade prices. Setting slippage at 50% means the actual transaction price can be up to 50% higher than what you see when sniping. If multiple users are sniping the token simultaneously, the price can pump while your transaction processes. By setting slippage, you’re pre-approving a potentially higher price. For sniping, we recommend a higher slippage tolerance than for regular trades.

You can choose one of the default slippage amounts to snipe. You can also change the default slippage amounts on the buttons in the "Snipe settings" section in "Settings."

Or, you can set your own slippage amount by tapping "X%" and then replying with your custom amount.

Finally, we've finished selecting the parameters for sniping, in our case for the "hyped" token $HACHI. Now, carefully review all the settings and token information one more time, and hit "CONFIRM" if everything looks correct.

Boom! We’ve got our snipe set up for the $HACHI token! Trading kicks off in 3 hours. We’ve set our buy amount at 0.025 SOL and a slippage of 50% (ready for the actual price to be up to 50% higher). Congrats! What’s next? Just keep an eye on the market; when the time hits, the snipe will auto-execute.

If you change your mind, you can cancel the snipe at any time before it starts executing. Just tap the token name button on the "Snipes" from the Main menu.

After you cancel the snipe, you'll receive a confirmation message to ensure it was successfully canceled. Keep sniping and happy trading!

Got any ideas or features you’d love to see in sniping? Hit us up in the chat or slide into our DMs!

Last updated